NEWSFLASH: Inaugural Open Day & Sale
We are delighted to announce that we are holding our first independent Bimbadeen Open Day and Sale on August 26, 2017.
The event will be held at Bimbadeen’s ‘Arthur’s Knob’ property (don’t worry, we will sign it well from the highways) and will feature a display of heifers, cows, our show bulls, bulls to be offered at upcoming sales and 30 excellent young bulls which will be available to purchase via a Helmsman auction. (CATALOGUE HERE)
We have chosen this style of sale as a ‘low impact’ option for both bidders and cattle. For those unfamiliar with Helmsman auctions:
- On arrival intending purchasers need to register at the bid table and receive a buyer number.
- All animals are displayed for inspection prior to, and during the sale.
- When the sale commences, all animals are on the market simultaneously. You may bid on any animal regardless of lot number, by filling in a bid card and handing it to the receptionist at the bid table, agent, or to a ‘runner’.
- You may open biding at the reserve price indicated for each animal in the catalogue then contest bids consecutively.
- Bids are recorded, with the buyer’s number, on a large board adjacent to the animals. You can bit on any number of animals at once, and see at a glance whether your bid still stands or has been over-bid.
- There is no pressure to commit yourself to another bid. If your ‘first choice’ animal goes beyond your limit you can still bid on any other animal in the sale.
- The sale will remain open for a set period of time. A bid registered in the last 2 minutes will result in a 2 minute extension of selling time. Any further bids trigger the same process until a full 2 minutes ‘no bid’ period concludes the sale.
- A bid once submitted and recorded cannot be retracted.
Keep your eye out in rural publications for stories on the 2017 Bimbadeen Open Day & Sale – our Facebook Page will also share updates and individual bull info sheets. To assist us with catering (we are hoping to do something a bit different in this area) we’d love it if you can either register for the event (on FB here) or comment/message us to let us know you are likely attending.
Look forward to seeing you here in August!
Mark, Amanda and family